Experiential Activities
28 Engaging Art, Craft & Digital Activities to Inspire and Educate Children
Art and Craft Activities
01. Shape Sorter
Learning Outcome:
- Interpret, sort and describe solids based on their observable attributes, such as colour, size and shape.
- Describe the different kinds of movements that shapes take.
- Measure using non-Standard units.
02 - 08. Fun With Foam Shapes
Learning Outcome:
- Interpret, sort and describe solids based on their observable attributes, such as colour, size and shape.
- Identify the names of familiar objects
09 - 10. Making Creative Products
Learning Outcome:
- Experiment with a variety of materials
11 - 13. Model Making
Learning Outcome:
- Describe the different kinds of movements that shapes take.
- Demonstrate an understanding of time and duration.
- Demonstrate an understanding of common terms of measurement: Heavy, Light.
14 - 17. Play with Patterns
Learning Outcome:
- Identify patterns around them and apply the knowledge sought to create patterns.
Inspiration Art Activities
Learning Outcome:
- Get their introduction to traditional art and culture through inspiring activities devised based on famous art forms and artists around the world.
Digital Activities
01 - 05. Creating Real-World Objects
Learning Outcome:
- Interpret, sort and describe solids based on their observable attributes, such as colour, size and shape.
06, 07, 09. Characterization
Learning Outcome:
- Perform basic mathematical operations, such as counting.
- Demonstrate an understanding of emotions through drawings.
08. Representing Day and Night
Learning Outcome:
- Demonstrate an understanding of time.
10 - 11. Pattern Creation
Learning Outcome:
- Identify patterns around and apply the knowledge sought to create patterns.