Foundation in Visual Arts

Triggers students’ natural curiosity & empowers them to communicate in meaningful contexts

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Grade I | 5 + Years

The course presents the tiny young explorers with numerous art-based tactile and digital activities that ensure enjoyable learning of their Math and Language concepts. The play-way learning connects with the intuitiveness in the students and feeds them with activities that serve their desire to explore and give a strong foundation for their lifelong learning. The activities open up a whole new world that triggers the students’ natural curiosity to interact with the objects around, and at the same time empowers them to communicate in meaningful contexts — thus helping them step into the logical world.

Experiential Activities

28 Engaging Art, Craft & Digital Activities to Inspire and Educate Children

Art and Craft Activities
01. Shape Sorter
Learning Outcome:
  • Interpret, sort and describe solids based on their observable attributes, such as colour, size and shape.
  • Describe the different kinds of movements that shapes take.
  • Measure using non-Standard units.
02 - 08. Fun With Foam Shapes
Learning Outcome:
  • Interpret, sort and describe solids based on their observable attributes, such as colour, size and shape.
  • Identify the names of familiar objects
09 - 10. Making Creative Products
Learning Outcome:
  • Experiment with a variety of materials
11 - 13. Model Making
Learning Outcome:
  • Describe the different kinds of movements that shapes take.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of time and duration.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of common terms of measurement: Heavy, Light.
14 - 17. Play with Patterns
Learning Outcome:
  • Identify patterns around them and apply the knowledge sought to create patterns.
Inspiration Art Activities
Learning Outcome:
  • Get their introduction to traditional art and culture through inspiring activities devised based on famous art forms and artists around the world.

Digital Activities
01 - 05. Creating Real-World Objects
Learning Outcome:
  • Interpret, sort and describe solids based on their observable attributes, such as colour, size and shape.
06, 07, 09. Characterization
Learning Outcome:
  • Perform basic mathematical operations, such as counting.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of emotions through drawings.
08. Representing Day and Night
Learning Outcome:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of time.
10 - 11. Pattern Creation
Learning Outcome:
  • Identify patterns around and apply the knowledge sought to create patterns.

The course opens up a whole new world that triggers the students' natural curiosity to interact with the objects around, and at the same time empowers them to communicate in meaningful contexts - thus helping them step into the logical world. It provides numerous art-based tactile and digital activities through different kinds of art materials and advanced computer systems that ensure enjoyable learning of their Math and Language concepts. The activities augment the mental-ability skills and provide a freedom of exploration without the need to confine the imagination of the young ones. The course ensures to promote inquiry learning, experiential learning and the 4Cs of learning.

Tactile Activities
  • Creating Bubble Wands to Sort Shapes
  • Constructing Objects Around by Wrapping and Texturing
  • Creating Pencil Toppers
  • Constructing Objects and Characters through Creative Use of Foam Shapes
  • Constructing Creative Badges
  • Visual Storytelling using Puppets Made of Foam hapes
  • Clay Modelling
  • Creating Home Decors and Accessories through Pattern Craft
  • Creating Gift Wrapper by Stamping Patterns
Digital Activities
  • Constructing One-Shape, Two-Shape and Multi-Shape Objects
  • Constructing Cartoon Characters with Expressions
  • Visually Representing Day and Night
  • Drawing Digital Objects to Represent a Scene
  • Digital Pattern Creation
  • Characterization of Electronic Components
Inspiration Art Activities

Creating artworks inspired from:

  • Artworks of Piet Mondrain
  • Warli Paintings
  • Cave Paintings
  • Gond Art
  • Pareidolia Art
Materials for Barrier-Free Learning
Fully-Loaded, Age-Appropriate Toolkit:
  • Model Making Materials - Clay, Googly Eyes
  • Craft Materials - Foam Shapes, Pipe Cleaners, Colour Sheets, OHP Sheets, Quilling Paper, Thread
  • Drawing and Painting Materials - Oil Pastels, Sketch Pen, Organic Colours, Tempera Colours, Poster Colours, Acrylic Paint, Glass Paints, Brushes
  • Other Supporting Materials - Glue, Scissors, Pencil, Eraser, Sharpener
Tutorial Videos:
  • Are visual demonstrations of the activities that clearly take students through the step-by-step procedure of completing each activity
  • Gives the students the freedom to learn anywhere, any time without any dependency on Internet or power
Imageminds Books:
  • Embraces all necessary learning information and clear guidance towards performing the activities
  • Includes ‘Fun Time Activities’ and interesting ‘Did You Know’ sections that inspire and guide students towards further exploration
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