Imageminds is the K-10 education wing of the IMAGE group with over a decade of expertise that has benefitted nearly 2.17 Lakh+ students in gaining retentive knowledge and in building their creative, artistic and digital skills.
Imageminds introduced the first and only one-of-its-kind venture that offers school students (class 1 - 10) a play-way method of exploring academic concepts through various tactile activities deploying a world of materials; and digital activities that prepare students for the world’s transformation towards the digital arena. It also provides an opportunity for the students to get their hands on various futuristic technologies, such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence.
Our Vision
To make creative education available to all students, irrespective of their geographical / financial differences, and instil innovation as a practice.
Our Mission
To offer an uniform experiential learning that deploys the power of art and digital technology in stimulating the students’ natural curiosity towards the world around them, and in motivating them to imagine and articulate their thoughts in new ways — thus, grooming them as confident learners throughout their life.